
Eight Advisory Belgium

Excellence, Entrepreneurship, Respect

We are a leading consulting firm started in November 2009 by 8 partners from the Big 4 industry and major operational advisory firms.




25 - 100




Eight Advisory Belgium
Avenue des Arts 53 1000 Brussel, Belgium


Consultancy and Advisory

Eight Advisory is a leading independent consulting firm started in November 2009 by 8 partners from the Big 4 industry and major operational advisory firms. Our common goal is to become the trusted business advisor of most prominent firms both nationally as well as internationally. We have adopted an innovative position in the consulting market by combining independent financial and operational consulting services such as: Financial due diligence, restructuring services, tax services, valuation, forensic & litigation and transformation services. Eight Advisory has significantly grown since its inception and now counts 70+ partners and over 680 professionals across Europe.

After becoming the preferred TS and Restructuring advisor in France, Eight Advisory started to expand internationally by opening offices in the UK, Belgium, Germany and the Netherlands. To further support our international expansion, we offer a unique opportunity to become part of the fast growing and entrepreneurial team of Eight Advisory Tax Belgium. 

Three shared values, upheld by all teams and partners are the foundation to our corporate culture and form the base of the principles we follow: Excellence, Entrepreneurship and Respect.

Eight Advisory continuously strives to be a place where passionate people unite in the pursuit for excellence. A place where critical and entrepreneurial minds thrive in bringing out the best in each other. And above all, a place where respect is the cornerstone of every interaction.

“Excellence” drives us to go beyond what we have already accomplished and constantly challenge ourselves to take things to the next level. We base our performance on uncompromising thoroughness, aim for excellence in our daily business routines and aim to offer a new client experience.

We believe growing the company is only achieved when there is genuine trust and respect for one another. ​
​We respect our employees for whom they are, for the experience, knowledge and skills they have gained and honed, and that they willingly share as individuals and team-mates. ​We pay special attention to creating a workplace that allows employees to respect one-another and thrive and grow technical and managerial skills along the way.

Entrepreneurship is what caused Eight Advisory to exist. ​​Living up to that means challenging widely accepted and conventional wisdom. Trying new angles, innovating and creating tangible added value for all our clients: that is our motto. ​Partners commit to giving the right amount of attention to any project put forward by any member of the organization, whatever their position or seniority may be. Eight Advisory’s growth should have no bounds. Let us dare to be daring ! 

Candidates selected for interview after submitting applications follow a process which usually takes place in three stages. A selection is made after each stage.

  1. The first stage is a “personality” interview intended to identify personal and professional qualities, but also the kind of communication skills which we expect of our employees. It also provides an opportunity to get to know each other and answer any questions you may have about Eight Advisory, our careers and our assignments.
  2. The second stage consists of a practical exercises aimed at validating your technical knowledge, and also your ability to think, your common sense, your humility and your capacity to adapt to new situations and a potentially new profession. This stage also gives candidates a chance to talk to employees.
  3. The third stage validates qualities identified during the first two as well as your motivation and your suitability for our corporate culture.

All interviews are conducted by experienced staff and partners.

Eight advisory provides every joiner with an extensive training program combined with on the job learning. 
