How does it work?
Finding an internship or job that perfectly match with your skills, interests, and preferences has never been easier. Discover here how it works.
Map out your education, interests and skills
We go beyond education and experience, you just need to specify your interests, skills and desired company culture so we can get to know you a little bit better! We'll instantly match you with interesting companies and job openings, so you can get started right away.
Find out which companies have shown interest in you
Curious about which companies are interested in your profile? Companies can view your profile - completely anonymously - and reach out to you by sending a contact request. You decide if the company is a fit for you, and only in the case of a mutual match, they will gain access to your contact information.
Discover the perfect company yourself
Don't want to wait and prefer to take matters into your own hands? Head over to the company overview and explore the companies that you like! Express your interest on the company profile and see if it's a mutual match.
Apply to the perfect job opportunities in just one click!
Seen the internship or job of your dreams? What are you waiting for? Use your career profile and apply with just one click! All you have to do now is wait for a response.
Earn fynders: What? How? When?
Have you collected enough fynders? Trade them in for a cash reward!
Create profile
Specify your education(s), interests, and preferences. The more complete your profile, the more fynders you earn.
Match with companies
Express your interest to companies or apply directly to job listings. For every mutual match, you earn fynders.
Invite friends
Help your friends in their search for an internship or job? Extend an invitation and earn finders for every friend!
Create profile
Specify your education(s), interests, and preferences. The more complete your profile, the more fynders you earn.
Match with companies
Express your interest to companies or apply directly to job listings. For every mutual match, you earn fynders.
Invite friends
Help your friends in their search for an internship or job? Extend an invitation and earn finders for every friend!