
Tactical Advisory Group

No nonsense, just results

Tactical Advisory Group is a powerhouse of expertise in project management & business analysis.




25 - 100




TAG - Tactical Advisory Group
Grauwmeer 1/35 bus 33 3001 Leuven, Belgium


Banking and Insurance Consultancy and Advisory Informatics Services Corporation

Tactical Advisory Group is a powerhouse of expertise in project management, business analysis and IT development. With more than 40 TAG consultants, we convert our clients' strategic plans into workable projects and tangible results. 

No nonsense, just results!

Our consultants have the right competences to turn every project into a success story. Our DNA? A healthy can-do mentality with a 360° view. Striving for quality in everything we do. Building sustainable relationships with our clients and employees. Talent development through lifelong learning and a healthy fun factor.

We're a management - business consultancy with engineers. 

Our DNA: 

  • Engineering mindset
  • Quality
  • Pragmatism 
  • Customer focused
  • Dare to question
  • Get things done 
  • Work hard, play hard

We do value working together as a team. That's why we have a brand new office tailored to the needs of our colleagues, both during and after working hours. After the hours we often get together at our bar, football table or any outside activity. 

Yes, we do have a bar at the office and you're welcome to meet us there.

After making the first contact during a phone screening, the real-life application process includes 3 rounds:

  1. Introductory interview
  2. In-depth interview including a business case
  3. Final interview with managing partner

The first round is a introductory talk where we share information about the company and explore the candidate’s ambition as well as the cultural fit.

Afterwards, the candidate’s resume and ambition are challenged more thoroughly during an in-depth interview. The second part of this round comprises a business case to challenge the analytical skills of the candidate.

The final round is an interview with the managing partner

Your career at TAG starts with our Bootcamp. During this intensive week full of trainings, case workshops and fun, we fill your backpack with a set of essential consulting skills. This week is the kick-start of our Young Graduate program, which further includes some more specific and advanced trainings provided by our consultants.

Besides these trainings, your Team Manager is there to support you on your project. Together with your coach, who is in charge of your long term development, you construct a personal plan tailored to your own needs and ambitions. 

After the Young Graduate program, you can spend your training budget on external courses that help you to reach your goals and unlock your potential.

This all in addition to our yearly TAG Accelerator Program, where some challenging courses are provided by domain experts. Our consultants apply these skills on some business cases focused on improving TAG’s operations.

For our senior consultants, there is the possibility to follow a unique MBA program at Flanders Business School. This partnership offers our consultants the opportunity to develop some essential managerial skills.

